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‘A notable person is someone who has a positive influence on our lives and the progress of humanity’. 


I believe that Leonardo Da Vinci is a notable person in many different ways. He was a painter a mathematician, a scientist, a musician, an engineer, an inventor and etc..  

Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy on the 15th of April 1452 and died 2nd of May 1519.  He grew up to be an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance. He grew up with his mother for the first 5 years, his father left the family and married a rich woman when Leonardo was born, then he grew up with his father sometimes sending messages to his mother. His mother Katerina was a peasant and she had to work hard to bring income in for the family. He was born in the town of Tuscan a hill town of Vinci, which was 20 miles away from Florence. In the mid 1460's his family moved to Florence which at the time was time was center of Christan Humanist thought and culture, he become a 'Garzone' or a (studio boy), under Andrea del Verrocchio who was the leading painter and sculptor at the time.  


His first talent was painting, when he was 14 he started to learn to paint and created his own techniques. A the age of 20 he helped create his first painting (Baptism of Christ) with his master called Andrea del Verrocchio, he mainly used oil paints to do his work as they were the novelty at the time in Italy. After that he painted mainly alone and tried different techniques. He only painted around 15 paints but they were some of the best ever the world has seen and his most famous is of course the Mona Lisa which took him alone 16 years, including 10 of those part years to construct the lips. After leaving Florence, he arrived in Millian in 1482, he gave a silver lyre a peace offering and his professional career soar.  


He was soon afterwards commissioned to create two paintings, Virgin On the rocks and the last supper, both for some local religious establishments. Da Vinci also to complete projects for multiple His pal Ludovico including a bronze statue of a horse (There was another reason, he wanted a higher monarchy in church for donating the paintings).  


When war broke out and he was sent to Venice as an engineer, he started to design the tank to be used to carry materials or (armored vehicle as he called it), but they were developed and now and were used in wars to kill thousands of people. He left idea after it went down the hill.  


When he wasn't doing painting or other things, he put his mind to flying, how to fly, how for people to get up into the air. He started studying birds, especially 

 their wing pattern.  


He also was one of the first people to see people flying up into the clouds, he would study birds to see how they flow through the air and designed ornithopter  


Interesting Facts:  


  • It took 10 years to paint only the Mona Lisa Lips 

  • Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person to state the laws of friction 

  • Leonardo Da Vinci has no last name, but when being called da Vinci by a stranger it stuck to him and he was called that ever since 

  • When Leonardo Da Vinci made a fortune around his 50s, he would buy caged animals and set them free in the wild 

  • For being basically the best painter to ever exist, he has only  painted 15 paintings that known to exist 

  • Leonardo da Vinci didn't have that much of an education and self-taught himself most things  


I would like the opportunity to learn about this notable person for night of the notables for some of the many reasons above and more.

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