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The Big Question; Why is Leonardo da Vinci Notable 



Leonardo Da Vinci was Italian polymath of the High Rennaissance in Vinci, Italy.  He was a highly regarded painter, engineer, inventor and mathematician. He tried to inspire new artist and experienced artist past and present to continue art and tried to influential them to different aspects and ways of brushing. As well as doing art he was also quite focused as an engineer he was quite focused on developing things like the armored car and the calculator. Also working on working on the flying machine and parachute. He focused on things he needed and things to help people develop in the world.  


Research was an easy task to track down reliable websites and sites. They would hold create information to build my presentation on. Leonardo da Vinci is quite well known for his art, but other aspects of his life were also easy to find if you search it up. A lot of websites showed his growth through art and as he grows up and his artwork. Once finding a good site, I would look straight into it and gather as much information as possible. If it had a lot that I wanted I would read through multiple times.  


He went through a lot of hardship to get where he was in life, he was a certain title, which meant he couldn't be a business man or go to university. He also had other Dis-advanced, he couldn't work in his father's business, nor go to the same school as other people. But his father and his relatives didn't care at all they put their money forward so he could have an education and once his father saw Leonardo's art work he signed him up as an apprentice in Florence. He was put under one of the best artist and sculptors in Italy. So when he was 15 he was apprenticed to the renowned workshop of Andrea del Verrochio. From then on it for a few years of hard work training to get good at art every day. After a few years he was asked to paint a painting of an angel, Andrea actually gave up his job and gave it over to Leonardo after witnessing his painting. He had to work hard years to get his painting and work out into the world and once everyone knew of his paintings he spread and fortune came.  


In Leonardo's life he tried to complete as many notable things as possible without actually knowing. He put his life to raise the bar. When he was younger he didn't actually known he would become what he was. He moved all his early life to learning the ways of art. Later on in his life he pulled out all kinds of things to make achievements in life. He put himself at no level just to continue and that there is a chance to complete.  


For early life he wanted to prove to himself he could do things that were out of anyone who was 14 could not do. He would use his research and his life's achievements to help other people. Using the Mona Lisa to inspire new generations of artists. Helping to develop to develop and create the first versions of the parachute, as well as trying to create a 'flying machine' to get humans to fly(sadly that idea took a few centuries to get right. 


He completed multiple notable achievements over his time. He created the Last Supper which one of his more famous paintings at the start of his career. Following he painted arguably the most famous painting ever "The Mona Lisa." He also designed the first tank ever, 400 years before they were made off his exact sketch's. He also made and designed the first diving suit that would work from air tanks. After Leonardo da Vinci did that he started designing ideas and concepts for the Helicopter, parachute, the glider and the landing gear. He studied the human body a lot as well. He first noticed the S form in the backbone. He also studied the internal organs. He could draw out the lungs, the appendix, mesentery, reproductive organs, the muscles of the cervix and a detailed cross section of the coitus. At the end of his painting life he bought caged animals and set them free in the wild. 


Since Leonardo Da Vinci, was a head of his time, you could say. He had multiple different personal character traits and faults which he would use over time. He would normally not understand thing like other people and would follow his own ways rather than beliefs or what has been told in his community. When he is on something he's very perseverant and has rare discipline. He has to be careful not to be rude or bossy through his thoughts and ideas though. He can be very rigid with his ideas and look for multiple connections. The way he thought and looked at things was different to everyone else.  


For me and a lot of people around the world have been positively impacted by Leonardo Da Vinci actions, creations and paintings for generations. Leonardo has many different personalities but is always trying to help without knowing. He is a true notable person.  

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